Best camgirl sites for your privacy in cam2cam chat

Some camgirl chat websites allow other guests to enter the chat when you are in a private chat session. They can watch what the webcam model is doing. First, I would like to say that, regardless of the website, other guests cannot spy on your webcam feed and audio feed during a private cam-to-cam chat session. However, there can be an issue.

If the webcam model can hear the interlocutor’s voice through her speakers, it means that other guests who are spying on the cam model can also hear what the guest is saying in a private cam-to-cam chat session. However, if the webcam model is wearing headphones, this is not a problem, as no one else can hear the guest’s voice.

Some websites offer private cam-to-cam chat modes that prevent this problem. These modes are exclusive by default, which means that when a man enters a private chat mode, no other guests can enter the chat room. It is locked and private.

We have read the privacy policies of many camgirl chat websites, and we were stunned to discover huge differences in the amount of data collected, depending on the website. We found that the privacy policies were related to the terms of service. The problem is not so much the type of data that is collected, but rather the monitoring and use of this data.

To write this article, we also tried to remember if we had been contacted by a customer support team following a private chat session.

The best camgirl websites for protecting your privacy

Imlive – great for privacy of cam model customers: collects minimal personal information. According to their privacy policy, does not monitor private chat sessions with camgirls. Their team does not collect the conversation of the live chat, and they do not record cam-to-cam conversations. We have never been contacted by following a private chat session. Therefore, Imlive is a safe and reliable option for protecting your privacy. We highly recommend Imlive for their commitment to privacy. They have been in operation for many years, and we trust them to maintain the confidentiality of their users. Imlive does not collect your real name. Only the payment gateways keep a record of your real name. In other words, if you enter a private chat session on Imlive, you can feel secure and protected.

After many years of using, we have never been contacted by their customer support team following a private live chat session.

Click here to join Imlive for free

Stripchat – good privacy:

After reading the privacy policy of Stripchat, we found that collects “communications and correspondence, including any correspondence between you and us, and any other communication between you and anyone else on the Website, including customer service requests, emails, and live chats.” However, also mentions why they collect this information. The team does not spy on its users. They collect information for the following reasons:

  • Customer support
  • Provision of services
  • Customization of content (likely made by a program)
  • Analytics
  • Functionality
  • Illegal activities and infringement of terms of use

We didn’t see any pointless monitoring in the Stripchat terms of use that could pose a threat to Stripchat users’ privacy.

It’s important to note that collecting information is not the same as monitoring it. Stripchat collects personal information for a handful of reasons, but they do not monitor personal information.

We have never been contacted by a Stripchat monitoring team following a live chat.

We also asked the Stripchat support team to find out if they recorded webcam feeds of users. Here is their response:

“Please note that we do not monitor nor record private or cam2cam sessions due to our privacy policy. However, we do record messages for reference purposes.”

Click here to join Stripchat for free

Other websites


In the privacy policy of Streamate, we found that may collect information “when you use our Services to communicate with others, either text or video/audio, or upload or store content (such as comments, photos, messaging services, and attachments).” In other words, the team of can potentially monitor your text chats with camgirls and your webcam feed (audio and video).

The terms of service on Streamate are more restrictive than the websites mentioned above. For example, it is prohibited to exchange personal contact information. This is a great clause to protect Streamate users against scams and potential dangers. If you were to share your personal email with a camgirl, she could potentially blackmail you by threatening to disclose information about you.

So, while Streamate’s monitoring policies may be more extensive, their terms of service also provide additional protections for user privacy.


However, collects and monitors all conversations you have during a text chat with a camgirl. They also monitor the messages you send to camgirls. Once, emailed us after a private live chat session with a camgirl. They advised us to refuse any Skype chat session proposals. I suspect that I mentioned “Skype” during the live chat session. It was a bit shocking to realize that I was being monitored during the chat.


LJ has a monitoring team that has contacted me several times after a private chat. It’s been a while, and I don’t exactly remember the details.

Bottom line:

There is nothing better than a camgirl website to protect your privacy anyways. No model knows your name, address and payment details.