We used our token to euro conversion tool to help you find out the value of tokens in euros. The table below is valid for the purchase of 540 tokens at approximately 50 euros. It is an estimate. See below our analysis.
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Stripchat Tokens | Euros (update 2022) | Opinion |
8 tokens | 0,71 euros | Cheap chat |
16 | 1,42 | Cheap chat |
24 | 2,12 | Mid price |
32 | 2,83 | mid price |
44 | 3,89 | mid price |
60 | 5,31 | Premium – She should speak english really well |
90 | 7,96 | Expensive – It is expensive compared to other websites |
120 | 10,62 | Ovepriced – Your tokens will vanish in a blink of an eye |
150 | 13,27 | Overpriced – Your tokens will vanish in a blink of an eye |
Analysis of Stripchat chat prices
Webcam models who don’t speak English should set their chat session to a maximum of 24 tokens per minute, as it takes longer to chat via text rather than audio during a private chat session.
Then, 32 and 44 tokens are very decent chat prices for camgirls who understand and speak English well.
I expect a woman with a 60-token per minute rate to be out of the ordinary, such as a naturally busty camgirl.
At 90 tokens per minute, this starts to get expensive. I expect the camgirl to be famous and do something incredible on webcam.
120 and 150 tokens per minute are for financial subs who get sexual satisfaction by spending their money on beautiful women. Some women on Stripchat set such high prices per minute because they want to discourage guests from entering their private chatroom. In fact, many of these camgirls don’t speak English. Rather than disable their private chat feature, they prefer to set a very high price.
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