Camcontacts is the only adult chat website that offers a strip card game. The camcontacts game is called Strip Hilo. on this webcam chat website, there are categories where camgirls play a strip card game. A playing cards deck icon in the profile of camcontacts camgirl indicates that the said camgirl plays Strip Hilo.
The objective is to strip the camgirl you are chatting with by guessing if the next playing card will be higher or lower than your current card.
Not all camcontacts camgirls play Strip Hilo. To find camgirls who play this strip card game, you must first register as a camcontacts member. Then, go to “search chat hosts,” then click on “view by category” at the top of the search box and then look for strip Hilo. Click on it. Then, click on an online camgirl, “live sex chat” and you will see the option: “One2One – Strip HiLo – (3 clothes) “.
Click here to join camcontacts.com for free
There are two “strip Hilo” sub-categories, one in adult softcore and one in adult hardcore.
Sample of camgirls with Strip HIlo in the Adult Softcore category:

Adult Hardcore:

Click here if you want to know how this playing cards game works.