Prefer a website with original content over “white labels.” A “white label” means the camgirl feed is sourced from another site with authentic content. In other words, “white label” sites are clones of genuine camgirl websites, where only the color scheme and template have been changed. On, we only feature camgirl websites with authentic chat rooms.
You should be able to hear the sound of her room when you enter her chatroom. Ambient sound of the chatroom is the best hint it is not scam.
Some camgirl websites are over-priced. It means that private chats are expensive as compared to the average price per minute. Be aware of the average price rate per minute. Check our price comparison table
Be cautious with the credit system where 1 token is not equal to 1 dollar. Example: Miss Smith: 120 tokens per minute. Use our converter
Be sure you are chatting with the woman you see on the screen and not an off-sreen human translator.